3. The harmful effects of cucumber consumption in excess extends to toxicity, fluid loss and imbalance, strain on heart and kidneys, and side effects of the vitamin and minerals contained in the cucumber.

Both cucumber and Aloe Vera have skin hydrating property and prevents skin irritations and aging. Proper application and use of natural ingredients, including cucumbers give various benefits to the facial skin. This is a good face mask you can use for people with dry skin.

It’s also used in many spas for skin care. Cucumbers are the fourth most cultivated vegetable on the planet and known to be one of the best foods for human overall health. Some side effects of chlorhexidine topical may occur that usually do not need medical attention. 10 strange side effects of cucumber. Cucumber is a popular summer food noted for its many health benefits.

Some of these reactions are discussed along with the precautions that should be practiced: Allergies, especially around the oral cavity, itchiness, and swelling may also develop.

Pour the cucumber pulp through a piece of cheesecloth to extract the juice. Let it dry out on its own and then wash off with water. This is also a good cucumber skin treatment. These side effects may go away during treatment as your body adjusts to the medicine. 5 Step Cucumber Face … A simple combination of pureed cucumber can be mixed with yoghurt to treat blemishes. Cucumber Aloe Vera Face mask: This is another face mask using cucumber for skin. Pick a handful of firm, dark green cucumbers and pop them into your shopping basket. Cucumber can also be used as a facial mask. You may say it’s ridiculous to have side effects of cucumber.

Taking Cucumber In. None of these harmful effects have an impact when taken in moderation. Cucumber has a lot of health benefits and it is simply refreshing but there are a few side effects you need to consider before eating too much of this amazing hydrating summertime snack.

The juice of cucumber or pureed cucumber can be used directly on your skin to remove tan or to relieve sunburn.

Also, your health care professional may be able to tell you about ways to prevent or reduce some of these side effects. Repeat the process once in a day. Use a cotton ball to apply this juice all over your face and neck. This is good for dry skin. Side Effects Of Cucumber. While pure cucumber juice makes for a cooling face wash, you can also reap cucumber's benefits by eating the veggie or drinking cucumber water, made by filling a pitcher with cold, distilled water and letting the slices of a whole cucumber soak in the water for at least 45 minutes. To make cucumber ice cubes, take an organic cucumber, grind finely in a blender, strain, pour into ice cube tray and freeze.

As I wrote in previous blog about benefits of cucumber, this vegetable is really good for health.