Stay comfy on your sofa and enter The Fitting Room. is a wonderful website to redesign each room in your house by picking out perfect furniture options to fit your unique space. Drag wall to edit room size.

Drag to set dimension.

For each living room size I've taken into account a conversation area (a square conversation space) and an extra 3ft (0.9m) for circulation. Use with shift to "Save As..." Ctrl+Z Undo last action Ctrl+Y Redo last action R, L Rotate selected item by 15°.

Find your Lounge Fit Plan a 3D room online with true-to-scale furniture. Girls, we’ve done everything we can to make measuring up as simple and easy for you as possible. Save room. So let's have a look at some living room sizes. Customize your floor plan, then drag and drop to decorate. Drag and rotate furniture to arrange them into your room. No more lounging around, let’s find your perfect Lounge Fit.

You can now find your fit in less than 60 seconds. Visualize your room design from different angles. We go from very small through to large.