The next step in our guide 'How to remove old tiles' is to tool up! 4) Remove the first tile. A fairly thin chisel, and a hammer. How to remove Live Tiles from the Windows 10 Start menu Say you're just not feeling Windows 10's Live Tiles, it's possible to banish them from the Start menu for a minimalist vibe. For removing tiles, there are two tools you’ll need. Alternatively, mix a cap of bleach into a gallon of water, and use the solution to wipe off the stain. The first tile you’ll remove will be the hardest, as there is usually no easy access from the sides. To remove stains from your tiles, dab a rag in 3 percent hydrogen peroxide, and wipe it over the stain.
If you don’t have a chisel, you could try using a large, sharp-pointed flat headed screwdriver. When the stain disappears, wash the area with tap water, since hydrogen peroxide is corrosive if left on your tiles.