It has been done in a variety of ways during the history of glass. TRBfoto/Getty Images Science. Volumetric Flask Definition in Chemistry What You Need to Know About Volumetric Flasks. Chemistry of Glass . Borosilicate glass has a much higher melting point than soda-lime glass. Graduated Cylinder - Photo . State and explain which type of glass would be best to make a boiling tube, for use in a school chemistry laboratory. Glassmakers throughout history have experimented with glass fibers, but mass manufacture of glass fiber was only made possible with the invention of finer machine tooling. Typical glass contains formers, fluxes, and stabilizers. Glass bottles with ground glass stoppers are often used to store stock solutions of chemicals. To avoid contamination, it helps to use one bottle for one chemical. Glass definition is - any of various amorphous materials formed from a melt by cooling to rigidity without crystallization: such as. Thousands of different chemical compositions can be made into glass. Question. Glass fiber (or glass fibre) is a material consisting of numerous extremely fine fibers of glass. There is no single chemical composition that characterizes all glass. Chemistry Dictionary Definition of Glass a deposited film of silicon dioxide with additives to adjust coefficient of thermal expansion, color, conductivity, and melting point, generally doped with boron or phosphorus or both. A watch glass is a circular concave piece of glass used in chemistry as a surface to evaporate a liquid, to hold solids while being weighed, for heating a small amount of substance and as a cover for a beaker.The latter use is generally applied to prevent dust or other particles entering the beaker; the watch glass does not completely seal the beaker, so gas exchanges still occur. Chemistry Chemical Laws Basics Molecules Periodic Table Projects & Experiments Scientific Method Biochemistry Physical Chemistry Medical Chemistry Chemistry In … For example, the ammonium hydroxide bottle would only ever be used for ammonium hydroxide. Broadly, modern glass container factories are three-part operations: the batch house, the hot end, and the cold end. Joe Sullivan. All About Glass. Glass container production. How to use glass in a sentence. Chemistry Laboratory Glassware Glass Bottles with Ground Glass Stoppers. Share Flipboard Email Print Volumetric flasks are used to accurately prepare solutions for chemistry. Glass production involves two main methods – the float glass process that produces sheet glass, and glassblowing that produces bottles and other containers. Different formulas affect the mechanical, electrical, chemical, optical, and thermal properties of the glasses that are produced.